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HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor


  • Széleskörű Alkalmazás: Alkalmas tengeri használatra, lakóautókhoz, háztartási tárolásra, UPS áramellátásra, tartalék áramellátásra, off-grid rendszerekhez és 30–70 lb-os csónakmotorokhoz.
  • IP67 Vízállóság
  • EV Grade-A LiFePO4 Akkumulátor Cellák: 4000+ ciklus 100%-os kisütési mélységgel, zöld és nem mérgező anyagok.
  • Nagyobb Áramkapacitás: Maximális 200A folyamatos töltés/kisütés, amely nagy teljesítményű berendezésekhez is alkalmas, és maximális 1C töltést biztosít.
  • Kompakt és kényelmes: Mérete mindössze 522 x 242 x 220 mm, így jelentős energiát kínál egy kompakt dizájnban, megkönnyítve a telepítést és a helytakarékos megoldásokat.
  • Könnyű dizájn: Csak 22,4 kg, ami meglepően könnyű a kapacitásához képest, így könnyebbé teszi a kezelést és csökkenti a szállítási költségeket.
  • Hosszabb üzemidő a 3584Wh energiával: 3584Wh energia és maximális 2560W terhelési teljesítmény képes akár 1kWh fogyasztású eszközöket is működtetni közel 3,5 órán keresztül.
  • 6X Költséghatékonyság: $0,21 per ciklus költség, így $1,21-t spórolsz minden egyes használattal a hagyományos ólomakkumulátorokhoz képest, és nincs szükség rendszeres karbantartási költségre.
  • Hosszabb élettartam: 10+ év élettartam és 3%-os önkisülés havonta (az ólomakkumulátorok havi önkisülésének aránya 5-15%).
  • Legújabb beépített 200A BMS: 100%-os védelmet biztosít túltöltés, túlmerítés, túláram, túlmelegedés és rövidzárlat ellen.
  • Automatikus túlterhelés elleni védelem és helyreállítás – nincs szükség felhasználói beavatkozásra.
  • Háromszoros védelem: Védelem por, víz és sós permet ellen.
  • Alacsony hőmérséklet elleni védelem: Töltés leállítása, ha a hőmérséklet < 0°C/32°F; kisütés leállítása, ha a hőmérséklet < -20°C/-4°F, hogy megakadályozza a hideg időben történő töltés/kisütés okozta károkat.
  • 6X Energiasűrűség: 60,7Wh/lbs, 6X energiát biztosít és 55%-kal könnyebb, mint egy 12V 200Ah ólomakkumulátor.
  • Maximális 57,344kWh Energia Kiterjesztés: Maximális 4P4S konfigurációval 51,2V 1120Ah akkumulátor rendszert építhetsz.
  • Rugalmas 3 töltési mód: LiFePO4 töltő/Napelem/Generátor.
  • Legjobb Szolgáltatás: Gyors szállítás, 24 órás válaszadás és 5 éves garancia.

Csomagolási adatok

  • Méretek: 522 x 242 x 220 mm
  • Nettó súly: 22,4 kg
  • Garancia: 5 év
  • Összes csomag méret: 590 x 310 x 295 mm
  • Összes csomag súly: 27 kg

Miért válaszd a HOOLIKE LiFePO4 Akkumulátort?

A HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah LiFePO4 Akkumulátorral megváltoztathatod, hogyan táplálod az életed. A kiváló technológia, a könnyű és kompakt dizájn biztosítja, hogy mindig rendelkezésedre áll a megbízható áramellátás, amikor és ahol szükséged van rá. Tedd kosárba ezt az akkumulátort még ma, és tapasztald meg az energia jövőjét, közvetlenül az ajtód előtt!

Regular price
€549,99 EUR
Regular price
Sale price
€549,99 EUR
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HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lítium Vas-Foszfát (LiFePO4) Akkumulátor
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery - Hoolike
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Megállíthatatlan 3584Wh energia-megbízható teljesítmény a nagy igényű alkalmazásokhoz

Ez a LiFePO4 akkumulátor hatalmas, 12,8 V-os, 280 Ah kapacitással hosszabb ideig biztosítja az áramellátást - tökéletes lakóautókhoz, off-grid rendszerekhez és nagy fogyasztású alkalmazásokhoz. Mondjon búcsút az áramszüneteknek, és üdvözölje a zökkenőmentes energiafüggetlenséget.

Több mint 10 évnyi megbízható teljesítményre tervezve

A kitartásra tervezett LiFePO₄ akkumulátoraink 6000+ ciklust teljesítenek, így több mint egy évtizeden keresztül stabil áramkimenetet biztosítanak. Akár mindennapi használatra, akár vészhelyzeti tartalékként, bízzon egy olyan akkumulátorban, amely túléli a versenytársakat.

Fejlett intelligens BMS - az Ön beépített biztonsági pajzsa

A nagy teljesítményű 200A intelligens BMS aktívan megakadályozza a túláramot, a rövidzárlatot, a túltöltést és a túlmelegedést - biztosítva ezzel az Ön és eszközei számára a gondtalan működést.

Robusztus IP67 víz- és porálló kialakítás

Az esős kempingektől a poros munkahelyekig, ez az akkumulátor úgy készült, hogy kitartson. Az IP67-es védettségi fokozatú védelem bármilyen kültéri környezetben, időjárástól függetlenül biztosítja a legjobb teljesítményt.

Feleannyi súly, kétszeres kényelem - könnyed hordozhatóság

A mindössze 22,4 kg (49,38 font) súlyú akkumulátor 50%-kal könnyebb, mint a terjedelmes ólom-sav akkumulátorok, így a telepítés egyszerűbbé, a szállítás pedig problémamentes.

57,34 kWh stabil energia - Mindent és bárhonnan energiával lát el

Az 57,34 kWh tárolt energiával a tévékészülékektől, hűtőszekrényeken és légkondicionálókon át az elektromos szerszámokig és a napelemes rendszerekig mindent elláthat energiával. Nincs több korlátozás - csak megbízható energia, amikor a legnagyobb szükség van rá.

Lítium akkumulátoraink nagy hatékonyságot, biztonságot és tartósságot kínálnak, ideálisak otthoni tárolásra, kültéri használatra, ipari áramellátásra és napelemes rendszerekhez -megbízható energiát biztosítanakbárhol.

Termék specifikáció


FAQs for HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batteries

Q: What is the lifespan of the HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: The HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery typically offers a lifespan of over 2000 cycles at 100% depth of discharge (DoD), which can extend significantly if discharged less deeply.

Q: What are the main applications of this battery?

A: This battery is ideal for solar energy systems, RVs, marine applications, off-grid applications, and as a backup power source due to its deep cycle capability.

Q: Can the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery be used in series or parallel connections?

A: Yes, these batteries can be connected in series for higher voltages or in parallel to increase capacity. However, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safety and efficiency.

Q: Is a special charger required for the HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah battery?

A: It is recommended to use a lithium iron phosphate-compatible charger to ensure optimal charging and to prolong the battery's life. Standard lead-acid chargers are not suitable.

Q: What are the safety features of the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery?

A: The battery includes built-in protection against overcharging, deep discharge, over-current, short circuit, and over-temperature, enhancing safety and durability.

Q: How does temperature affect the battery's performance?

A: While LiFePO4 batteries perform well under various temperature conditions, extreme cold can reduce performance. It's advisable to keep the battery within a temperature range of -20°C to 60°C for optimal operation.

Q: Is there a warranty for the HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah battery?

A: The battery typically comes with a warranty period of 5 years. It's important to check with the seller for specific warranty details and conditions.

Q: How does the weight of the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery compare to traditional lead-acid batteries?

A: LiFePO4 batteries are generally lighter than lead-acid batteries. The HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah battery weighs approximately 18 lbs, which is significantly lighter compared to lead-acid batteries of similar capacity.

Q: Can this battery be recycled?

A: Yes, lithium iron phosphate batteries are recyclable. Contact local recycling centers or return the battery to the supplier for proper disposal.

Q: Where can I buy the HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: This battery can be purchased from authorized dealers, specific online platforms, or directly from the manufacturer's website.

FAQs for HOOLIKE 12.8V 100Ah Bluetooth-Enabled Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batteries

Q: What are the advantages of using a HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery over traditional lead-acid batteries?

A: The HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery offers a significantly longer lifespan with 2500-7000 charge cycles compared to 200-300 cycles for lead-acid batteries. It also allows for 100% discharge without damaging the battery, whereas lead-acid batteries should not be drained more than 50%. Additionally, the LiFePO4 battery is about one-third the weight of a comparable lead-acid battery, enhancing portability and ease of installation.​ 

Q: What safety features are included in the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery?

A: This HOOLIKE battery is equipped with a Bluetooth-enabled Battery Management System (BMS) that protects short circuits, overcharging, over-discharging, over-current, and temperature extremes. This system ensures both performance and safety under various operating conditions​.

Q: How can I monitor the battery status?

A: The HOOLIKE battery includes Bluetooth® communication capability, allowing users to monitor battery status through a smartphone app. This feature is particularly useful for checking the state of charge, voltage, and other critical parameters in real-time​​.

Q: Can the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery be used in series or parallel configurations?

A: Yes, these batteries can be connected in series or parallel. You can link up to 16 units in parallel to increase storage capacity or up to 4 units in series for higher voltage applications, making them versatile for various setups without special configuration settings​.

Q: What is the warranty policy for the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery?

A: The battery typically comes with a multi-year warranty, guaranteeing repair or replacement in case of defects or failures under normal usage conditions. Specific terms can vary, so it's recommended to check the detailed warranty information provided at the point of purchase or on the manufacturer's website​​.

FAQs for HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batteries

Q: What is the typical charging method for the HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: The battery should be charged using the CC/CV (constant current/constant voltage) method. This method ensures that the battery charges efficiently and safely by maintaining a constant current until the battery reaches a specific voltage, after which the current is gradually reduced​​.

Q: Does the battery have a built-in Battery Management System (BMS)?

A: Yes, the HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery is equipped with an advanced BMS that protects against overcharging, deep discharges, and short circuits, ensuring the safety and longevity of the battery​​.

Q: Can the HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah battery be used in series or parallel configurations?

A: This battery can be connected in both series and parallel configurations to increase voltage and capacity. However, it is recommended to use up to four batteries in series or parallel to maintain efficiency and safety​​.

Q: What are the temperature operating ranges for this battery?

A: The battery can be charged at temperatures between -20°C to 50°C and discharged between -20°C to 60°C. It also features a low-temperature protection function that activates a heating element if the temperature drops below 0°C during charging​​.

Q: What are the applications of the HOOLIKE 12.8V 280Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: It is versatile and can be used for RVs, marine applications, golf carts, electric vehicles, solar energy storage, and other applications where a reliable and long-lasting power source is needed​.

Q: What is the expected lifespan and cycle life of this battery?

A: The HOOLIKE LiFePO4 battery is designed to last for over 6500 cycles, offering a significantly longer lifespan compared to traditional lead-acid batteries​​.

FAQs for HOOLIKE 25.6V 100Ah ithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batteries

Q: What is a LiFePO4 battery?

A: A Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery is a type of lithium-ion battery known for its strong safety profile and long cycle life. It is used in various applications, including solar energy systems, electric vehicles, and portable electronics.

Q: What are the benefits of using a 25.6V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: This battery configuration offers high capacity and density, making it ideal for systems that require a reliable and long-lasting power source. It's also known for its stability, safety, low toxicity, and well-regulated performance.

Q: How long does a 25.6V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery last?

A: LiFePO4 batteries can last for several years or over 3000 cycles, depending on their usage and maintenance. The actual lifespan also depends on factors such as the depth of discharge, operating temperature, and how frequently the battery is charged and discharged.

Q: What is the proper way to charge a 25.6V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery?

A: It is recommended to use a lithium-specific charger that can properly balance and not overcharge the cells. Charging should be done within the voltage range specific to LiFePO4 batteries, typically around 14.6 volts for a bulk/absorb phase.

Q: Can the HOOLIKE 25.6V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery be used in solar power systems?

A: Yes, this type of battery is well-suited for solar power applications due to its efficiency at storing and discharging energy. It pairs well with solar panels to provide a consistent and long-lasting energy source.

Q: What safety precautions should be taken when using a LiFePO4 battery?

A: While LiFePO4 batteries are generally safer than other lithium-ion batteries, it is important to handle them with care. Avoid exposure to high temperatures, punctures, and impacts. Also, ensure the battery is not overcharged or allowed to discharge too deeply.

Q: Is the HOOLIKE 25.6V 100Ah battery environmentally friendly?

A: LiFePO4 batteries are considered more environmentally friendly compared to other types of batteries due to their use of phosphate instead of cobalt and other hazardous materials.

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
Liam O'Connor
Shipping/Price/FAST Shipping

I got it A week before it was even supposed to be here
I've just received my 200ah Lithium Battery about an Hour ago a d ToDaY is June 1st, 2021... Im VERY impressed with my shipment... I wasn't supposed to receive for another week, atleast, But I received it very early & im extremely Happy and Very Satisfied with how yall shipped it to me... Its was packaged well to protect the Battery.... While UnBoxing it, with a quick, well actually about 3 minutes of Inspection, Ive Come to the decision that im EXTREMELY satisfied with the Battery.. ITS flawless... No Dings or Scratches etc etc... If I could give you folks 10 ThumBs Up, I'd be Very Happy to do so... This is just AmaZinG... I Recommend ya 200ah Lithium Battery to all, every and any body looking for this type of battery... Again, this is just amaZing... Between. The FAST Shipping, to the Quality of this BatterY, I strongly recommend this product, folks... Ampere Time, Again, thank you all for your service & your products... Your Prices were ALsO a MajoR point in my decision to purchase your battery... Ive got nothing but GreaT things to say about your company ... Again, 10 GoLD StaRs 🌟 and ThanKs So Very Much, again !!!


I recently installed this 12V 280Ah battery in my workshop in Germany, and it has completely changed the way I work. I can run power tools all day long without worrying about power cuts or slow recharge times. The battery is incredibly efficient, and I love how quickly it charges, especially during the winter months when sunlight is limited. I’m also really impressed with its durability and performance in cold temperatures. Whether I’m using my saw, grinder, or other tools, the battery always performs flawlessly. It’s been an absolute game-changer for my workshop setup, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone in a similar situation.

Reliable store with fantastic customer service, a pleasure to shop here!

I purchased the Hoolike 12V 280Ah battery for my remote home in Ireland, and it has exceeded all of my expectations. I use it for everything—lighting, appliances, and even a small water pump. The battery stores enough energy to keep everything running for days, even during the cloudy periods when solar power is limited.

Cristiano Rinaldi

We’ve been using this Hoolike 12V 280Ah battery in our camper van for our trips around Europe. The setup is super easy, and it powers all the essentials, including lights, fridge, and even a small heater. We’ve done several long trips and never ran out of power. Even on days when we’re driving less and the solar panels aren’t charging as much, the battery holds up great.

Zuzana Holečková
Reliable, efficient, and charges incredibly fast

Using this battery in my fishing boat. It’s solid, reliable, and keeps everything running smoothly out on the water